If the above quote isn't convincing enough, check out what a few other past DM Summer interns have to say ... 

If the above quote isn't convincing enough, check out what a few other past DM Summer interns have to say ... 


I did the internship at a time in my life when I thought the last person God wanted to use was me. During my sophomore year of college, I was truly frustrated with myself and I struggled to believe the gospel had the power to change my life. 

I had many reservations about applying to the internship. Would I really be able to raise support? How can I share Jesus with people when I struggle to believe the truth myself? God trumped those questions with His faithfulness throughout the process. He abundantly provided the funds necessary during support raising in ways I could never have fathomed. I realized as I met with students that my brokenness actually pointed them to Jesus. Trying to rest in my own goodness had been impossible and exhausting, but I learned that I was free to rest completely on the finished work of Jesus!


At the onset of the internship, I tried to remain in the background just observing the other interns so I would know what to do. Yet, as I tried to replicate what they were doing, it always failed. I was becoming more and more uncomfortable with myself because I felt I wasn't as good as the other interns. I wasn't bringing in as many people, I wasn't sharing the gospel with as many people, and so on.

It was then that 1 Peter 2:16 penetrated my heart, "Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God." I learned through the Internship that I am free in Christ and my ministry won't look like everyone else's. I can be the person He made me to be, for Him. I can see now that whenever I shared the gospel with students, Christ shared the gospel with me even more.


Going into the internship, I thought I knew what to expect. But the Lord ended up teaching me and growing me so much more than I could have expected or imagined!

Though I was often caught up in my performance, God graciously showed me again and again during the internship that ministry is not about me. He used His Word, the other interns, and the internship leaders to remind me that it was not about how “successful” I appeared, but instead about true reliance on Jesus’ finished work on the cross. I was humbled to constantly see Jesus glorified in my weaknesses and imperfections as the interns and I ministered to students on campus.

The Lord worked in incredible ways during the internship, and it really was the best summer of my life!


As an intern in the Media Department, I was excited to spend the Summer using the skills God has given me to make videos and provide resources for DiscipleMakers. But I was also scared that working in the headquarters would mean that I wouldn't get to spend as much time with the campus interns or have as great an impact on campus.

However, not only did I have the opportunity to do exciting work in the Media Department with a great team, but I also co-lead a Bible study on campus, grew alongside the other interns, and got to know a lot of the students.

Though my work was different than those on campus, God often reminded me of 1 Corinthians 12:12: “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.I was serving a different role in the body than the other interns, but God was glorified as I enabled the gospel to go forth!