Nate Reimer has reached his ministry funding goal!

Nate and Lexi Reimer

We’re excited to announce Nate Reimer has successfully reached his fundraising goal just in time to hit the ground running on campus and finish out the school year!

Nate had this to say as he reflected on his journey: “Throughout support raising, the Lord caused me to have greater faith in Him in a new way. Whenever I questioned if He could provide, He used those times to bring me into a deeper, humble dependence upon Him. In that renewed humility, I could press on in boldness until the Lord provided all that I needed. As I begin ministering on campus, I want to continue in this faith, trusting the Lord as the provider once again, but this time for the fruit of ministry on campus as He softens students' hearts to the Gospel!”

When DM staff raise support, they don’t go it alone. Each staff is assigned a support-raising mentor to help guide them! For Nate, that was DM staff Dan Miller, who shared this: “Nate was a pleasure to work with. He shared openly and honestly about his struggles, and that is a skill that will serve him well on campus. Just like in support raising, our words and tenacity matter on campus, but it is the Lord who changes hearts. Honestly, though, I’m a little sad he finished so quickly because now I won’t get to talk to him as much.”

Nate is already hard at work on campus and has been well-received by his new team. His team leader, DM staff Brian Parker, had this to say: ““Nate joins the Lehigh Valley team at a time when there are growing ministries on many of our campuses and a need for more staff. His passion for sharing the gospel, winsomeness in engaging all kinds of people, and his handling of God’s word leave him well-equipped to help many students flourish in their relationship with Jesus. We are so thankful for Nate and Lexi as they join our team!”

Praise the Lord for His good work! Please pray for Nate as he serves, and for his wife Lexi, who is planning to volunteer as she is able.

Congratulations, Nate!