Nate Reimer
Despite growing up in the church together and in Christian households, it wasn't until early in high school that both my wife Lexi and I recognized the depths of our own sin and desperate need for God's mercy. After finding forgiveness and satisfaction in Christ, we continued to grow as new believers in our local church, serving together in high school as friends, and continuing to serve while in college in our dating relationship, engagement, and marriage. For me, as a young believer, I often wrestled with being bold about the Gospel as I battled with shame over my shortcomings. However, while in college the Lord has shown me that the hope of the Gospel is that my past, present, and future sins have each been paid for in Christ, and I am known and loved by God as a result. Therefore, I can go and proclaim of this hope to others because of the forgiveness that has been shown towards me, and I can't wait to fulfill this desire by serving full-time with DiscipleMakers!