Gene and Megan Williams have finished full-time support raising!


By God’s grace, Gene and Megan Williams have finished full-time support raising! Since May of 2013, Gene has served in DiscipleMakers’ Finance Department. Now, Gene will serve full time with DiscipleMakers on the Penn State Main campus, while Megan will serve in DiscipleMakers’ Finance department! 

Since they began raising support in October, the couple has experienced an unexpected series of events that significantly increased their faith in God’s provision and strengthened their love for people. 

In early October, Megan, having just received her CPA license, found out she was pregnant. While celebrating this news, Gene and Megan discovered mold in their apartment and decided to relocate to Hershey, PA with Megan’s parents. “It did not seem wonderful at first, but once we moved, it was a wonderful plan that God had all along,” said Gene. Megan agreed: “As soon as the dust settled, it was like, oh wow—this is a much better way to go about this season. We didn’t have to pay rent or the money for gas to travel back and forth as often.” 

As they began raising support together in Hershey, the couple expected many people to be interested in supporting their ministry with DiscipleMakers, but it wasn’t until the holidays that prayer and financial support really started to pick up steam. “We had some surprising provision, and some surprising denials in the beginning,” said Gene. “Overall, God was really faithful. Even when it felt like he wasn’t working, he was working—a lot.” 

Perhaps the most evident way God worked in Gene and Megan was by cultivating within them a genuine love for people in what the couple described as several unexpected appointments. Gene shared that he learned to love and care for people, regardless of their giving decision. “The first time [I raised support], I kind of saw people as a means to prayer or giving. God is really gracious. He gave me a second try. I started to see people as people this time around. I learned to have an open hand.” 

Megan echoed a similar thought: “If I were on my own, I probably would’ve been task-focused. God used Gene to give me a love for people in our meetings. It was really worth it to be mutually encouraged in the faith and get to know people.” 

By January, support flooded in, and the couple reached their support goal the first week of February. “We had more connections than we really knew what to do with,” said Megan.

Now, Gene and Megan are eager to use what God has taught them in support raising on campus and in the headquarters. They know they will be able to care more deeply for students and donors in light of their three-month support raising journey. Megan is particularly excited to have a more routine schedule while assisting the Finance department, and Gene is especially excited for evangelism and Bible study on campus. 

As Gene and Megan step into their new roles, they requested prayer for their ministry with DiscipleMakers and their marriage. “God’s given us a lot of joy in working together, and I’m sure he’ll give us more joy, but in the meantime, we are wondering what that will be like,” said Megan. “It’s been a lot of fun working together, and we’re both going to miss it,” said Gene. 

Praise God for raising Gene and Megan’s support in His timing and in His ways, which are higher than our own. Pray for Gene and Megan as they transition into these new roles with DiscipleMakers!