Tim Carroll has reached his fundraising goal!


Tim Carroll has reached his fundraising goal and will serve full time in DiscipleMakers’ Finance department! 

Tim’s season of support raising was a reminder of how lavishly God displays His grace towards sinners, and he is profoundly thankful for the last seven months. “Support raising is such a practical time of the Lord working on you—almost like trial by fire. I am really thankful that support raising hasn’t been the easiest thing, and I’ve had to trust the Lord and work through it. I wouldn’t trade it for anything,” said Tim.

When Tim began full-time support raising last July, he witnessed a tremendous display of God’s grace in the amount of people who were excited about partnering with his ministry with DiscipleMakers. “Honestly, it was kind of an easy start—the people I was contacting, the appointments I had. Everything seemed to flow,” said Tim. As people began supporting his ministry with DiscipleMakers, he marveled at God’s sovereignty. “God put those people in my life years before I was on staff with DiscipleMakers. This has been his plan for all of time.”

For a period of five weeks last fall, however, the funds stopped coming in, and Tim encountered a slower period of support raising. During this time, he struggled to contact people, fearful of what they would think of him. “I held onto the truth that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. So the Lord saw me in all my flaws and brokenness, and he still loved me enough to send Jesus. I am a redeemed son of the Lord. The Lord’s opinion is the only one that matters,” said Tim. 

As Tim continually reminded himself of his identity in Christ and faithfully increased donor communications, God once again provided an abundance of fulfilled support in the new year. 

God used support raising to affirm Tim’s calling into ministry with DiscipleMakers, not only by providing prayer and financial support, but also by giving Tim an increased excitement to care for staff and donors behind the scenes. “My main passion is serving God in the DiscipleMakers Headquarters, but I’m also excited for what he’s doing on campus. What does ministry look like after 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.? I’m excited to find out.”

Praise God for reminding Tim of his grace towards sinners! Pray that as Tim transitions to DiscipleMakers Finance department, he will remember his identity in Christ and serve faithfully.