Alex & Janáe Siford
Alex & Janáe Siford have reached their ministry funding goal! God has provided the full amount needed for their ministry with DiscipleMakers. The Sifords had this to say about completing their fundraising season. “God continues to multiply His kingdom and we are thrilled to be key role players! 1 Samuel 12:24 says, ‘consider the great things the Lord has done for us.’ As we consider our season of fundraising and those He brought on our support team, we see this as clear evidence of God's faithfulness to us and this great mission. God has called us into ministry with DiscipleMakers and we couldn't be more excited to see the multitudes proclaim ‘Jesus Christ is Lord!'"
Now that they have reached this milestone, the Sifords will transition to their next ministry assignment in the DiscipleMakers Headquarters. There, Alex will serve in the HR department, and Janáe in the Finance department. Please join us in praising the Lord for Alex & Janáe, and pray that He will continue raising up laborers for the harvest field!