Taylor Maslin
We’re excited to announce that Taylor Maslin will serve in the Event Planning Department at the DiscipleMakers Headquarters when she reaches her ministry funding goal!
Upon learning about her placement, Taylor had this to say: ”The Lord has shown me through many different experiences in my life how much I enjoy planning and organizing lots of details. This insight has made me so excited to be serving in the Event Planning department! I can’t wait to be serving all of our campuses in this role at our Headquarters!”
Our event planner, Kate, was thrilled to hear of Taylor’s excitement to join her department. She remarked: “More people means more new ideas that make our events more successful in providing students with unhindered opportunities to hear the gospel preached.”
Taylor received news of her placement after reaching a significant milestone in her fundraising; God has quickly provided 50% of her DiscipleMakers funding goal! This is notable as she just began raising support in May, having graduated with a master’s degree from Penn State University Park. Please pray for Taylor as she raises the remainder of her ministry funding, and that God will continue to speed her along and bring her to our Headquarters as we prepare for another exciting year of events!