Clark Mummau
We are happy to share that Clark Mummau will serve on the Lehigh Valley Team when he reaches his ministry funding goal!
When asked to comment on his placement, Clark shared this: “I’m so thankful for the opportunity I had during our recent Fall Conference to get to know more of the students and staff on the Lehigh Valley team. God is at work in those students, growing their faith and desire to proclaim the Gospel, and I’m eager to join that work on campus soon.”
Clark’s future team leader, Brian Parker, is enthusiastic to welcome him, sharing this: “[Clark’s] skill in studying and heart to apply the Bible will help students to see the treasures found in God's Word. He has a genuine heart to serve others, and will be a real blessing to many on campus." This should come as no surprise to Clark’s friends and supporters, given his recent graduation from Grove City College, where he received a degree in Biblical and Religious Studies and Christian Ministries.
After being launched earlier this year, Clark is not far from reaching his goal – God has provided 69% of his DiscipleMakers funding so far. Praise God for this significant milestone, and please pray for Clark as he races toward his goal.