Jessie Martin has joined the DM staff team!

We are excited to announce that Jessie Martin has joined the DiscipleMakers staff team! Jessie is an alumnus of our DM fellowship at Gettysburg College and has spent the past five years serving as a High School chemistry teacher in the Washington, DC area. She recently answered the Lord’s call on her life to apply to serve full-time with DiscipleMakers and we now eagerly welcome her onto our staff team to serve behind the scenes in our headquarters.

Upon the acceptance of her position with DM, Jessie shared, “I am excited to be joining an organization that God used so mightily in my life as a student, and can't wait to see how He will use me in this next chapter of my life!”

Jessie will begin her support-raising journey part-time in just a few weeks while she finishes out the school year as a teacher. Please pray for her as she works to raise up a team of ministry partners in the midst of her current work responsibilities, and please praise the Lord with us for another kingdom laborer!