Chris Ebersole has reached his support goal!

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We're happy to report that Chris Ebersole has reached his support goal for his ministry with DiscipleMakers! In just a few short months he will be serving on campus for the fall semester on our Susquehanna Valley team.

Chris told us, “Five years ago I was a freshman in college that didn’t know the Lord, and God used DiscipleMakers’ staff to show me what it truly means to follow Him. I can’t wait to be on the other side now, reaching out to freshman students and others this fall who need to be reached with the good news about Jesus in the same way.”

Throughout his support raising, Chris struggled with the loneliness of the task after being deeply involved in his college campus community. At the same time he also experience great joy in the opportunity to meet so many new people from different walks of life who were excited to aid in the work to make disciples of college students. “My view of God’s kingdom is so much bigger now, as I’ve seen people who have never heard of me or DiscipleMakers jump on board with our vision to make disciples,” Chris said.

Please praise the Lord with us, for His provision for Chris's ministry with DiscipleMakers, and pray that the Lord would aid him as he moves to a new home and begins his ministry on campus.