Janae Taft will serve on our Penn State Team!

We’re pleased to announce that Janae Taft will join DiscipleMakers’ Penn State Team when she reaches her ministry funding goal! She will have a focus with DiscipleMakers’ International Student Group (ISG) on campus.

“Last summer, I had the opportunity to serve in the international ministry at Penn State with DiscipleMakers, and ever since then, I've been consistently praying that God would provide a way for me to return and serve in that ministry full-time,” Janae said. “He has granted me the desires of my heart, and I pray He will use me mightily in the lives of many international students.”

A leader with the ISG Team, Matt Geiger, shared that the team is excited to welcome their new member, “Janae has a boldness and eagerness to share the gospel that will be a welcomed addition on Penn State's campus, particularly as she focuses on reaching international students.”

Janae received her campus placement following her reaching a significant milestone in her fundraising: God has provided 50% of the giving to DiscipleMakers that she needs to reach her funding goal. She began raising support in January, having graduated from Albright College in December.