Josh Herring and his fiancée Megan Mansfield
We are pleased to announce that Josh Herring will serve on DM’s Lehigh Valley team when he finishes raising his ministry funding goal! (The Lehigh Valley team ministers at the Muhlenberg, Cedar Crest, and Lafayette campuses.)
Josh and his fiancée, Megan, are excited about Josh’s placement. “God has so evidently revealed Himself in this season of support raising. I have learned that, despite my flaws, inadequacies, and lack of faith, His sovereignty and will prevails! In His infinite wisdom, the Lord provided prayerful and financial support at an unexpected pace, which makes us all the more eager to help serve in advancing the gospel in the Lehigh Valley area,” said Josh.
Mike Kreider is mentoring Josh throughout his support-raising journey. “I'm elated with Josh's pace, progress, and faithfulness in support raising. He has spent himself tirelessly and boldly for the advancement of the gospel in his future (and current) ministry with DiscipleMakers. I couldn't be more proud of him, and grateful for God's evident provision,” said Mike.
Josh's new team leader, Brian Parker, is incredibly thankful and excited to have Josh and his fiance Megan on the team. “In a recent conversation with Josh and Megan, it was clear that they have a contagious zeal to reach students with the hope and power of the gospel. Josh's relational approach and love for all kinds of people, and Megan's faithful heart to serve others will be a blessing to many as they begin their ministry together. We look forward to working alongside them on campus!”
Josh is progressing well in his fundraising so far, and is now over halfway toward his ministry funding goal! Please pray that Josh will have continued faith & perseverance as he continues raising support, gets married, and relocates to the Lehigh Valley.