Maggie Enestvedt will serve on our Mason Dixon Team!

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We are pleased to announce that Maggie Enestvedt will serve on the Mason-Dixon team when she reaches her ministry funding goal! 

”I’m really excited to see just how the Lord has been at work and will be at work on those campuses! I am praising God for how He has so kindly provided in a really irregular season of life. He has brought in so much support through the humble generosity of His people in the midst of the pandemic,” said Maggie. 

Ali Hallman, Maggie’s support raising mentor, echoes Maggie’s sentiment. “As Maggie has diligently searched out the support that the Lord has raised up for her, He has proven that support raising during a pandemic is not too challenging for Him! By faith, Maggie continues to run full speed into His lavish grace and sovereign provision, and every week we stand in awe. We're so grateful for the body of Christ and their passionate hearts to join this mission!”

As Maggie continues to raise support, she requested prayer that God will provide her full funding by the upcoming fall semester. 

Her new team leader, Andy Cimbala, agrees. “We are thrilled that God has answered our prayers for more laborers (Matthew 9:37-38), by giving us Maggie, and much faster than we had anticipated! Now we’re praying boldly for God to quickly provide her funding goal before the start of the Fall semester. It’s a big ask, but we serve a big God!”

Maggie is progressing well in her fundraising so far, and is now just over halfway toward her ministry funding goal! Please pray for Maggie as she continues to raise support and prepares to transition to the Mason Dixon team.