Women's Conference 2022 — DiscipleMakers | Campus Ministry
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Women's Conference 2022

  • Doubling Gap Center 1550 Doubling Gap Road Newville, PA, 17241 (map)

When we look at God throughout history, we can see the broad strokes of His grace,  and his kindness to individual people in spite of their rebellion against him. At the 2022 Women’s Conference we will get a closer look at this reality through the women in the genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1.

Jesus’ genealogy shows us a great story of a graceful God using broken people. But when we examine it more closely, we find something wonderful. Some of the people throughout history who pointed most clearly to Jesus weren't men. They were women!

Join us as we share the stories of these women, and discover how these individual glimpses of grace are woven together into the greatest story ever told. We'll see, together, how God continues, even today, to bring His grace to men and women — one messy story at a time.

Check out the songs we’ll be singing together!

Main Session Speakers

Megan Royes

Shannon Fodale

Jenny Fitch

Tori Zbinden


Our workshops are often the highlight of the weekend, where we get really practical about how to apply God’s word to our lives. Check out this year’s workshop titles!

Saturday Morning (11:00 AM)

  • I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In: Cultivating Godly Discernment in Dating (Maria Noyes)

  • Woman of God: Vital Role in the Body of Christ (Sarah Evans)

  • Grace for the Struggler: Honest Conversations About Sexuality in a Broken World (Becky Miller & Friends)

  • Forgiveness (Cassie Wells)

Saturday Afternoon (4:15 PM)

  • Anxiety & Depression: Seeing God's Grace in the Hardest of Moments (Shannon Fodale & Carolyn Kirsch)

  • Enduring Through Suffering: A Case Study on Bathsheba (Beth Dripps & Sarah Evans)

  • From Burnout to Rest: How the Gospel Sets Us Free to Thrive (Melissa Cimbala)

  • "Help! I Need Somebody..." How Asking for Help Brings Us Closer to God (Shannon Osinski)

Women’s Conference Showcase

On Saturday night, we’ll have a "Women's Conference Showcase". This will give you the opportunity to showcase how the Lord has gifted you to glorify Him. Maybe you have something serious you want to share, or a fun way to display a talent or passion you have. This could be something musical, a dance, artwork, a written piece or another creative presentation. Don't be shy! We'd love to have a great variety of giftings to display! 

To plan this and make it a truly excellent event, we ask that you submit a short Google form to help us discern what pieces to display during our 75 minute Showcase. You'll also need to upload a  short video* of your presentation piece so we can fully understand what you hope to present. Submissions are due by Friday, March 25th. We'll let you know by Monday, March 28th if your piece will be displayed or not. 

If you have any questions, you talk to your campus staff worker or email the Showcase Coordinators (Christianna Otto - christianna.otto@dm.org, or Maggie Enestvedt - enestvedtm@dm.org).

*P.S.  You'll need to sign in with a Google account to upload your video! If you don't have one, ask a friend or your staff worker!


Friday, April 1
6:00 PM
- Arrival & Registration
7:30 PM - Main Session #1
9:15 PM - Small Groups
9:45 PM - Free Time & Snack

Saturday, April 2
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:45 AM - Time Alone with God
9:30 AM - Main Session #2
11:00 AM - Workshops (Round 1)
12:15 PM - Lunch with Small Groups
1:30 PM - Free Time (variety of activities offered)
4:!5 PM - Workshops (Round 2)
5:30 PM - Dinner
6:30 PM - Main Session #3
8:00 PM - Snacks
9:00 PM - Women’s Conference Showcase

Sunday, April 3rd
8:00 AM - Breakfast
8:45 AM - Time Alone with God
9:30 AM - Small Groups
10:30 AM - Main Session #4
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:00 PM - Depart


Doubling Gap Center
Newville, PA


When you register, you should receive an email containing important information about the Women's Conference. If you do not receive this email, please email registrar@dm.org as soon as possible so we can get it to you!


The cost of the conference is $145.

This covers materials, housing and meals (Friday snack through Sunday lunch). To reserve your spot at the conference, you must make a payment of at least $20 at the time of registration using a credit or debit card. You can pay the remaining balance:

  • online during the registration period,

  • by sending a check or cash by mail,

  • by paying when you arrive at the conference.

If sending payment by mail, please make checks payable to DiscipleMakers and write “Women's Conference" in the memo line. Please send your payment before the registration deadline (Friday, March 18th, at 11:59pm). Mail your payment to the following address: DiscipleMakers, 365 Science Park Rd, State College, PA 16803


You may cancel your registration at any time by emailing registrar@dm.org or by logging into your registration. Whether you are eligible for a refund depends on when you cancel.

  • If you cancel before the registration deadline (Friday, March 18th at 11:59 pm): You will be refunded the amount you paid when you registered.

  • If you cancel after the registration deadline but before Wednesday, March 20th at 5:00 pm: You will be refunded the amount you've paid, EXCEPT for the minimum payment. After registration closes, minimum payments are non-refundable.

  • If you cancel after Wednesday, March 30th at 5:00 pm OR you never cancel: You will not be refunded any payments previously made, and you will be responsible for paying any remaining balance.

If you fail to attend the conference and do not notify registrar@dm.org about your absence, you will be logged as a NO-SHOW. As a NO-SHOW you will also be asked to pay for your remaining account balance.


If you have a question about Women’s Conference or registration, please email registrar@dm.org.

Earlier Event: October 29
Fall Conference 2021
Later Event: May 8
Focus 2022 - Weeks 1 & 2