Schedule | Speakers | Registration | Location
Two conferences in one
We invite you to join us for our annual Fall Conference! The Alumni Conference combines part of our larger student conference with a slate of sessions tailored specifically to alumni and other friends of DiscipleMakers.
If you’re a student, check out the Fall Conference page for more information.
Friday, October 19
6:30 p.m.—Registration
8:00 p.m.—Friday night main session (combined with student conference)
Saturday, October 20
9:00 a.m.—Introductory Panel Discussion on Revelation 1
10:00 a.m.—Revelation 2–3 (Mark Fodale)
11:00 a.m.—Revelation 7 (Peter Krol)
2:00 p.m.—Revelation 12 (David Royes)
3:00 p.m.—Closing Panel Discussion on Revelation 19–22
4:00 p.m.—Vision Talk (Peter Krol)
7:00 p.m.—(Optional) Saturday night main session (combined with student conference)
Sunday, October 21
(Optional) Sunday morning main session
Mark Fodale
Mark serves as DiscipleMakers’ conference director. He has also served as a team leader in the Lehigh Valley and as a member of the Senior Leadership Team. He and his wife, Shannon, have been married 25 years and have four children.
David Royes
David serves as the team leader for DiscipleMakers’ Berks Team, as well as a member of the Senior Leadership team. He helps to train the Albright, Cedar Crest, Kutztown, and Muhlenberg campus staff. Dave and his wife, Megan, have 4 children.
Peter Krol
Peter is the president of DiscipleMakers, as well as the author of Knowable Word, a guide for studying the Bible. Peter and his wife, Erin, have six children.
When you registered, you should have received an email containing important information about the Alumni Conference. If you did not receive this email, please email as soon as possible so we can get it to you!
When you register, you can choose to share a room or have your own room.
Shared room: $140
Own room: $330
If you choose a shared room, you will be paired with 3 other attendees of your gender.
If you choose your own room, you can either stay by yourself or register your spouse or a friend who will attend the conference with you. Also, using this room option children 2 years old and younger may attend with a parent or guardian free of charge.
Both room options include a Friday night stay and Saturday breakfast and lunch. You may extend your reservation to include a Saturday night stay and Sunday breakfast for an additional $200.
To reserve your spot at the conference, you must make a payment of at least $20 at the time of registration using a credit or debit card. You can pay the remaining balance:
• online during the registration period,
• by sending a check or cash by mail,
• by paying when you arrive at the conference.
If sending payment by mail, please make checks payable to DiscipleMakers and write “Alumni Conference" in the memo line. Please send your payment before the registration deadline (Saturday, October 6th at 9:00 a.m.). Mail your payment to: DiscipleMakers, 365 Science Park Road, State College, PA 16803
Please plan to arrive at the Harrisburg Hilton by 6:30 p.m. for check in and unpacking. Registration will be located beside the main ballroom on the second floor. Please check in and pick up your conference materials, which will inform you of your housing details and other important information.
If you park in the Walnut Street Garage, proceed to the elevator and press the button marked “LEVEL A." This will take you directly to the Hilton. When the doors open you should see some friendly DiscipleMakers staff telling you where to go!
Hilton Harrisburg
1 North 2nd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Parking: Walnut St. Garage
215 Walnut Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101
Mass Transit
The Hilton is a short walk from Harrisburg's train station. Trains run to/from Philadelphia and New York several times a day, and to/from Pittsburgh once a day.
Have any questions about the conference or your registration?
Email or call the DiscipleMakers Headquarters at (814) 234-7975.